Do you be a part of the growing Infineight family? Get access to the industry, collaborations, and more?
Fill out the application below and you could be the next Infineight Streamer.

    Name/ Username (required)

    Email (required)

    Discord Username (Including #) (required)

    Age (We require creators to be 16+) (required)

    About You (A brief summary about yourself, your channel, and why you started your channel)

    Creative Platform('s) (tick all that apply)

    Social Media & Platform Links (One line per link) (required)

    Current Partnerships or Affiliations (Company's/ Platforms)

    Why Infineight? (Why do you want to join infineight and what do you bring to the infineight family?)

    Streaming/ Release Schedule (If you do not have a set schedule please include a rough one and explain)

    Latest VOD/ Video Link (Please enable Streaming VOD's) (required)

    Games/ Content (What Games or Content is your channel most known for)

    Game Platform('s)

    Content Age Rating (required)